Portugal - Conserving river organisms

This project aims to preserve some of the most endangered freshwater fish species in our country, promoting breeding actions for these species and measures to preserve their habitat and then return them to the wild.

In waters that are already heavily impacted by human activities, there have been extreme phenomena associated with climate change, such as more droughts and prolonged dry spells, leading several river organisms to a situation of near extinction.

The most vulnerable at the moment are various fish species in the centre and south of the country and a plant, the Algarve daffodil.

This project is carrying out actions to reproduce these species, as well as measures to preserve their habitat, so that they can be returned to the wild without added risk, considering the changing climate. At the end of the process of reproduction and adaptation in captivity, the fish are restocked in stretches of the rivers of origin that have features that favour their survival and reproduction.

Area features - Conserving river organisms

Name of the country


Area (km2)

91 606

Population (millions)


Income/capita (US$)


Life expectancy at birth (years)


Infant mortality rate <5 years (/1000 births)


Illiterate adult population (%)


Ecological footprint (ha/capita)


CO2 emissions (ton/capita)
