Portugal - Forest conservation

This project aims to create and care for forests of native species, trees and original bushes of the Portuguese flora, with a view to developing these species and restoring the Portuguese forest.

Forests play a major role in soil conservation and in regulating the climate, the water cycle and the nutrient cycle. As a support for biodiversity, these breeding and conservation activities maximise the services that the ecosystem provides, carbon retention and the production of raw materials (wood) that are crucial to our daily lives.

This project promotes the recovery of various habitats and the rehabilitation of endangered flora and fauna, with a view to valorising our species and restoring biodiversity.

Between October 2008 and December 2023, 808,223 native trees and shrubs were planted on properties of special conservation interest.

Area features - Forest conservation

Name of the country


Area (km2)

91 606

Population (millions)


Income/capita (US$)


Life expectancy at birth (years)


Infant mortality rate <5 years (/1000 births)


Illiterate adult population (%)


Ecological footprint (ha/capita)


CO2 emissions (ton/capita)
