Payshop presents unique offer to the Council Market

29 de Setembro, 2020

Payshop, owned by the CTT Group, celebrated a partnership with Edubox and Inovar Mais, enlarged its services offer and has just released a new payments’ solution – the Prepaid School Card to Councils. This service will allow councils to manage centrally and effectively the provision of meals, and also to implement an integrated payments’ system to be used by all education community and all schools in the council.

The prepaid school card -– – is a unifying solution that will support interaction between Councils and schools on this matter, and allow all education community to use the school card   to pay for services provided by schools, like canteens, bar, stationary, reprography and vending. The activation of this service may be requested by electronic means at the Education Council Management, at schools or at the council services.

For more convenience, the card top-ups may be made via Payshop, ATM and MB Way. All top-ups’ management and remaining information will be provided by the SIGA software (school council management), owned by Edubox and implemented in more than 200 councils.

All school payments’ council solutions were designed and planned to ensure that the councils have a complete perspective of the whole management process. This is only possible due to this solution’s interaction with the education management platforms and school groups in the safest, fastest and effective way.

This solution comes as an answer to decree-law 21/2019, that transfers competences to council bodies and entities regarding education, and helps in the meal provision management and remaining services provided at schools, at all levels.

Vila Franca de Xira was the first council to invest in this service and to provide it to all education community, followed by Lisbon, Aveiro and Amarante.

CTT would like to recall that since the beginning of the pandemics that the mail and parcels’ delivery was never stopped, and that the proximity services to population through their post offices were always ensured. CTT also implemented a set of digital initiatives supporting economy and SMCs.