Power scouting for next generation startups

19 July, 2024

Being an usual presence on this kind of events, the CTT 1520 StartUProgram got, once more, the pleasure to attend the launch of another couple of startup program batches. And, right there on the spot, we were able to interact with startups from all around the world, as well as with our partners of Startup Lisboa and Unicorn Factory, VCs, corporate piers and experts

That’s what happened on the 28th of June, when we attended the launch of the 2024 summer batch of Startup Lisboa’s Incubation Program. Designed to support startups' growth and development, from ideation until seed+, it does so by connecting startups to relevant parties on different areas: fundraising, mentorship, incubation perks, corporate matchmaking, etc

On July 8Th we were also present at the launch of the Scaling Up Cohort #5 of Lisbon ‘s Unicorn Factory. This scaling up program, which specializes in supporting scaleups to unlock growth potential, chose the following startups for this edition: 360hyper; bounce; Eleos; Inductive; Kinderpedia; ListKit; Modatta and Vawlt. These companies now join the 40 scaleups that have already been supported.

The program, lasting eight months, is aimed at technological scaleups that have already obtained relevant financing, with a product or service launched and generating revenue, a team formed , and a clear growth trajectory.