• loading.message

    Track an item

    ex: RD123456789PT

    Search instructions


Object Nº Product Date Hour Status Info
DA563371576PT N/A N/A Item not found [+]Info [-]Info
It was not possible to get more information about the object.

Note: Times shown may not be true and accurate at the time of occurrence of the objects referenced in the state but to the time of receipt of the information in the database.

Frequent questions

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What means ''Accepted'', ''Awaiting entry at CTT'', ''Exporting'', ''Importing'', ''In transit'', ''Awaiting'' and ''Delivery attempted but unsuccessful''?

The "Track object" search may present the following results: 

Awaiting entry at CTT:  
CTT has received information about the object, but it is still being prepared by the sender. 

The object has been validated, collected by the distributor, and entered the network. The object then starts its journey in the operating circuit. 

This status only appears for international shipments. When an object is sent from a non-EU zone, it goes through customs in both the country of origin and the destination country. If this status appears in "Track object," the object is currently undergoing customs procedures in the country of origin and is still being analyzed by the Customs authorities. 

This information is only provided for international shipments. When an object is received from a non-EU destination, it may be subject to customs procedures. If this information appears in "Track object," the object is currently undergoing customs procedures in the destination country

In transit: 
This status appears multiple times in "Track object" throughout the journey and can be associated with various events, such as: 

  • CTT has received information about the object, and it has been collected by the distributor. 
  • The object is being transported or processed at an operational center, possibly passing through several operational centers. 
  • If it's an international object, it may pass through several intermediary countries before reaching the destination country. 


The shipment is waiting for instructions or the scheduled delivery day. You will be contacted if your intervention is required. 

Delivery attempted but unsuccessful:  
Delivery was unsuccessful. We will provide you with the next steps shortly. You can continue tracking your shipment in "Track object."  

Where can I find the shipping code?

An example of a shipment code is RD123456789PT. 

The codes are formed by:

  • 2 letters (representing the shipping solution)
  • 9 digits  
  • 2 letters (representing the country of origin) 

The prefix represents the shipping solution, and the suffix represents the country of origin of the shipment. 

There are also numerical codes with 22 digits, which occur only when the shipment originates from Spain, for example, 0010000082809458634407. 

If you are waiting to receive an object 

Often, the shipping code of the object is shared by the sender, but you can also be informed of the code through SMS, email, or the delivery notice left in your mailbox when the object cannot be delivered to the address. 

Some shipping solutions do not allow tracking of the object's journey, so not all objects have a shipping code. 

If you have sent an object 

At a CTT Point of Contact, the shipping code of the object can be found on the acceptance receipt for Registered Mail or in the transportation documentation for Express Delivery. 

If you sent the object online, the code is available in the transportation documentation for Express Delivery. 

If you are a contract customer, you can find the code in the shipping application you used to send the object. 

Some shipping solutions do not allow tracking of the object's journey, so not all objects have a shipping code.

I sent an item through CTT to another country, and now I don't have any information on Track and Trace.

Despite sending an item through our services, once it leaves Portugal, we become dependent on the information that the transit and destination countries can provide us. There are countries that do not promptly make available information about the journey of an item, and others that do not provide any information at all.


I have a shipping code that starts with D. What can I do?

You may track your delivery status and:

  • change the delivery destination (to other address, CTT store or CTT point)
  • chose another delivery date (maximum up to 5 business days of the delivery date)
  • change the delivery time window
  • extend the pickup deadline at a CTT store or CTT point for 5 days
  • request a new delivery attempt at the same address 
  • change the receiver name.

If you are a contractual client, you can:

  • change the address, delivery date and pickup time window
  • change the cash-on-delivery value
  • change the sender name
  • change options in case of unsuccessful delivery.

Find out more about these changes

I have a shipping code that starts with C, G, L, O, R, U or V. What can I do?

You may track the delivery status and, depending on what service was used on your delivery, you may do the following actions:

  • request a new delivery attempt at the same address or at a new chosen address;
  • request to pickup the delivery at a CTT store of your choice.

There may be some cases where these actions are not possible, therefore please check all exceptions at the beginning of the form.  

You can request to change the delivery of items whose codes start with G or U, even though there is no available information about the route of the package.

Find out more about these requests.

Why does my object no longer have or lack information about its journey?

The lack of information about your object's journey depends on the options chosen by the sender at the time of shipment: 

  • If the object's shipping code starts with "Q," it means that the sender opted for a CTT service that only registers information until the moment the object is accepted by CTT. Therefore, there is no available information about the object's journey beyond its acceptance into the CTT network. 
  • If the object's shipping code starts with "U" or "JA," it means that the shipping option chosen by the sender does not have any associated tracking information. As a result, there will be no tracking updates available for this object. 

I have received a notification without a shipping code or with a unreadable code. What can I do?

The notification has no shipping code

Depending on the type of service used on your delivery, you may request these actions:

  • request a new delivery attempt at the same address or at a new chosen address
  • request to pickup the delivery at a CTT store of your choice
  • extend to 30 days the deadline that you may pickup your delivery from a CTT store (available only for parcels).

Find out more about these changing requests

The notification has a shipping code, but it is unreadable

To find out if you can change the delivery or pickup your delivery, go to your nearest CTT store. Have the notification left in your mailbox with you.

The delivery is on its way, but I don’t have the shipping code. What can I do?

If we haven’t sent you an SMS or e-mail with the Shipping code, the most likely scenario is that the delivery doesn’t have one. In that case, it is not possible to track it or change it.

If we are not able to successfully deliver at your destination address, we may be contact you to understand explain you what you may do. If that happens we may:

  • leave a notification at your mailbox
  • send you an SMS or e-mail.

At this time if we notify you your shipping code, you may track or change your delivery.

Can bad weather affect the delivery of packages and mail?

Yes, adverse weather conditions may interfere with the delivery of mail and packages, leading to possible delays.